Workshop: Symbolism of Ukrainian embroidered shirt

Next workshop in English will be on September, 21

Ukrainian national clothing has its roots in a thousand-year history, but it does not remain only as an exhibit in a museum, but enjoys respect and demand in everyday life of Ukrainians. Embroidered shirts are a central element of clothing that has become a symbol of national identity and preserves many interesting details about Ukrainian culture and life in different historical periods.

So what Vyshyvanka - Ukrainian embroidered shirt - can tell you about?

  • About its owner - who is the person wearing it, where he or she is from, what social or cultural group belongs to, what wealth has, what values?
  • About the culture and economy of the entire region it comes from
  • About individual preferences, tastes and personal stories of people
  • About the times, traumas and victories, engraved not only in the patterns of history, but in the patterns of a shirt
  • About the hopes and plans and the future, the wishes and dreams that Ukrainians cherish

We invite you to a meeting dedicated to Ukrainian embroidered clothing and its symbolism. We want to share traditions and trends related to clothing, and tell interesting details and stories of the past and present, for example:

  • What was the significance of the embroidered collar on the shirt in self-presentation?
  • What are the differences between the embroidery of different regions and how have these differences changed over time?
  • Was oversize a trend? How about an embroidered shirt with a classic suit? Have Ukrainians always worn embroidered shirts?
  • What do the symbols in the embroidery mean, where did they come from and how were they transformed? Why did people cut off rhombuses in old times and why embroider bayraktars now?
  • What symbols did the war bring and what embroidered shirts do warriors of Ukrainian army wear? Has the view on Ukrainian national and traditional clothes changed this year?

Come learn new things about Ukrainian culture, traditions and modernity of Ukrainian national clothing, as well as try to embroider a lucky charm yourself at a workshop. 

Our meeting consists of two parts:

18.00 - 19.00 Stories and stories about Ukrainian embroidered clothes

19.00 - 20.00 Workshop on embroidering a traditional or modern lucky charm

The workshop is suitable for all levels and beginners too. 

Participation is free. All materials are provided.

The event will be held in English. Registered using form below

Reserve your place!

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What languages do you speak?
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